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Which is more effective: technical analysis or fundamental analysis

Which is more effective: technical analysis or fundamental analysis

Technical analysis is suitable for short-term trading, such as capturing market rebounds during the 2020 pandemic, with 90% of short-term

July 26, 2024
3 min 36 sec read
Is it advisable to have a 100% investment in stocks

Is it advisable to have a 100% investment in stocks

While investing all of your money in the stock market may carry significant high return potential, it also carries a

July 26, 2024
4 min 52 sec read
What are bonds and how to invest in them

What are bonds and how to invest in them

There are many ways to invest in bonds, and these can be done through the purchase of individual bonds or

July 25, 2024
7 min 34 sec read
How do I successfully pick stocks

How do I successfully pick stocks

By means of fundamental and technical analysis, you can deeply evaluate the potential value of stocks. Additionally, high attention on

July 25, 2024
4 min 13 sec read
As a beginner, how can I learn fundamental analysis effectively

As a beginner, how can I learn fundamental analysis effectively

Understand the core concepts of fundamental analysis and evaluate the intrinsic value of companies such as Apple and Microsoft by

July 24, 2024
3 min 54 sec read
What is the meaning of fundamental analysis

What is the meaning of fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis helps investors evaluate a company's true value and long-term potential by studying the company's financial statements, management, market

July 24, 2024
7 min 49 sec read
Why would you invest in bonds? It pays so little

Why would you invest in bonds? It pays so little

Investing in bonds may not sound like much, but it's actually fun when you look at it. Just as you

July 23, 2024
4 min 6 sec read
Is it safe to invest in ETF

Is it safe to invest in ETF

ETFs are a safer alternative, but remember, every investment has its risks! ETFs allow you to diversify your risk through

July 23, 2024
5 min 47 sec read
Is it safe to invest in ETFs as long-term investments (15 years+) or are they meant to be short-to-medium-term trading vehicles

Is it safe to invest in ETFs as long-term investments (15 years+) or are they meant to be short-to-medium-term trading vehicles

Etfs are better for long-term investment, but can also be used for short-term trading. For example, the Standard & Poor's

July 22, 2024
4 min 3 sec read
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